As Expected, I've Started On My Writing Once Again...

Although I never REALLY stopped writing if you take into account my blogs and hand-written journal (you MUST keep your own personal hand-written journal. It serves not so much as a diary, but more of a 'witness' to you ups and downs and journey overall - more on this later!).

But the itch to resume adding words and scenes and acts on my NaNo novel has returned and although I've only added a small number of words in, I won't beat myself about it. Follow my guts, that's my motto this year. :)

Right after this, I'm gonna go and muse on the outline (I'm refining my outlining aproach this time around) for my third attempt at a novel. And THIS time I plan to REALLY think out the plot outline beforehand, making sure I decide on the ending plot I'm completely satisfied with.

Damn it's slow (1st story had no plot outline, second story had rough outline and now 3rd story will have full, well defined plot outline). Who knows, maybe at the end of the year I'll realise that I don't really work well with plotting out my story beforehand after all, but then who cares! :)


RomanceWriter said…
I don't plot. I am a total panster. It makes for a disorganized writing journey but it is the only way I can do it.