Finishing A Novel...

... takes a certain kind of will.

When you get to around 50 to 70k words and suddenly finding it a challenge to remember off the top of your head, all the details of the running plot and struggling to make sure each subsequent events, characters' actions, dialogue, etc makes sense and fits in with previous events, characters' actions, dialogue, etc, you need a will and a stubborn determination to make the story's ending work. I've a weakness in endings.

My first novel, which surpassed the 80k word mark, has no clear ending at all and now with my NaNo novel, the ending seems elusive. Though I've written out the plot for the ending, it just doesn't seem good enough. But then again, perhaps the point is for me to actually finish fleshing out the plot that I have, regardless of whether or not I feel the ending is good enough. After all, this is just novel attempt number 2. There'll be many more novel attempts to go before I come up with something half decent, right? It's a marathon, not a sprint.

So onwards ending.


RomanceWriter said…
I have linked to you at my blog, Aspiring Romance Writer.

I like how you said in this post that writing a novel is a marathon. I cried when I realized that for the first time, years ago. But eventually I came to understand it would be a long process to learn how to write a publishable novel.

You are right on track with your attitude and hard work so I know in time you will finish a novel that sells.

Best of luck!

