Stalled NaNo Novel.

I did 50,000 in a month during NaNoWriMo 2006, and since then, I'd added a pathetic 4,530 words. (No, no. I wil not be too hard on myself again).

I admit, I have a weakness in finishing a story. Or maybe I just work better when there's a specific deadline looming ahead. Particularly one that's not enforced by myself. Self discipline is not a skill I put in my resume.

In a way I admit I've lost interest in the story, which makes one wonder if the story is at all interesting in the first place. Although I have had some nice comments on the story, they were all from my friends, so it may be biased. What I need is a frank comment / criticism from an enemy. That would give me the kick in the pants that I need to move onwards.

Hmm... actually now that think of it, perhaps I should plot out my third novel and keep it for NaNoWriMo 2007... that's one of my 2007 resolutions you see, to write a second novel. The other two is to finish my 2006 NaNo novel and to write a short story compilation. So far I'm floundering with all three. The flu doesn't help.

Mike's due back from Singapore tonight. Tomorrow's my birthday so I'm hoping he'll get me something from Singapore. Maybe ;) . But if not, then it's okay too. We don't really celebrate our birthdays in my family. I can't remember ever having a birthday celebration as a kid. I don't feel deprived though. I suppose mine is a uber traditional village family sans the village. I don't think people in the kampungs really celebrate birthdays, do they?

I'm sure I'll re-start work on the novel(s). Not sure when, but it'll happen. I feel like I'm taking a giant step back to survey the scene that is my life now. Take a breather. A lenghtened pause in breath. Before hopping back onto life's treadmill once again, and hopefully, loving being on this treadmill this time around.
