Today I cleaned out the little shed down the bottom of the garden. It's just a tiny, modest little wooden shed with just enough standing room and roughly four steps long by two steps wide. I don't know why, but I just had the urge to do some physical clearing out of space. Metaphoric I suppose. I've been doing some 'clearing out' of the heart and mind this past week, as it happens. Understanding one more bit about myself, one more cog falling into place towards 'self-enlightenment'. All the while, listening to my Quicklist playlist on Youtube.
There was a lot of baggage (and I'm certain there's still quite a bit more left) and a lot of cobwebs in my head. Man... the crap we put ourselves through growing up... All those self-imposed constraints, all those self-created pressures and self-perpetuating put-downs. It was horrible, so horrible back when I did not realise or understand what was going on with me. I was drowning in my emotions, overwhelmed, suffocated. And that old familiar storyline replayed itself over and over again, like an addiction. Not a good place to be.
Anyway, it felt good clearing out the garden shed. It feels rather cathartic. Finding the ability to separate fact from 'fiction' is great. Being able to observe my own through processes is even better because I can catch myself before I fall back into that 'same old story line'.