God Gives His Signs, It's Up To You To See It

This is SO true. It's 'the quickening' taking place because we are too focused on the left brain. That's why all religions call their followers to train the right brain more through prayers, meditation etc. This is so that we have some kind of balance between our left and right brain developments:

When we're focused on materialism and acquisition, when we're so caught up in the current of life that we're basically running on auto most of the time, unconscious of what really matters, losing sight of what our real priorities ought to be, so bent on staying ahead of the race called life, we are letting our left brains dominate our lives, our existence.

When we 'change our focus to our right brain', we sort of take a step back, sit quietly and observe life, actually EXPERIENCING being alive. And that is a VERY quiet, very calm very depthless place to be in. :)
