When we think of providence, we usually think of salary every month, house to live in, car to drive, food on the table, a spouse. Yes, these are all providence. But these are only MATERIAL providence. These satisfy the needs of our animal/bodily nature. We mustn't forget all the other providence that God has bestowed upon us, which includes:
1) Peace of mind.
2) Contentment in our hearts.
3) Security/peace in our home & environment.
4) Our freedom.
5) The love of our family and friends.
6) The love of our spouse.
7) Guidance from God / sense of spirituality.
8) Having a good neighbour.
9) A peaceful country to live in.
We tend to take these things for granted. I, for one, certainly had this sense of entitlement when it comes to these things. But all we have to do is look out our window, up and down the streets, around us, and we'll see there are many people who DO NOT HAVE these providence in their lives. When we receive these providence, we must never forget to appreciate them and be grateful for them.